I want you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Michael. We grew up together, went to school together, played ball together. He and I are best friends and were very competitive growing up. Technically, we still are. However now, we’re both in our late 30's and are about to turn 40.
No matter how much we want to be more energetic and active, it seems that there’s never enough time. Welcome to life, right? Then there’s the balancing act between work, family, and other social duties and obligations, finding time for an exercise routine and eating healthy are just two of the casualties of middle-aged life. As we’ve grown older, we’ve traded activity and agility for stationary and sedentary. We remember glory days and good times of varsity high school and collegiate sports, telling the same old stories reliving the past, but would now rather live vicariously through sports on TV, or the replays from a decade or two ago which seem to air on TV now days. n’t just chalk this inactivity up to getting older, losing our competitive edge, or lack of desire. However, finding the motivation to get up from the recliner and move is another thing altogether. Does any of this sound familiar? Can anyone reading this relate?
Chances are, you’ve probably never heard of Metabolic Syndrome, or if you have, it was just a term you heard in passing. You wouldn’t know it’s causes, the symptoms, or if you had it or not. All you would know is that you don’t want it, whatever it is. Who wants any syndrome? Not me.
But what we don’t realize is that Metabolic Syndrome is much more prevalent than we think, and much more dangerous. And what links those afflicted to the syndrome is not just a symptom, but rather the cluster of symptoms together which put them at risk. And by, “them,” I mean up to one-third of all adults in the United States, and 20%-30% of the world’s population. Most of the ones effected by Metabolic Syndrome don’t even realize that they have it because most of the disorders associated with Metabolic Syndrome don’t have obvious signs or symptoms which can make it a silent killer.
What is the criteria for metabolic syndrome?
Criteria for metabolic syndrome include high blood sugar, high blood pressure, a larger waistline due to excess fat, abnormal triglyceride levels, and low levels of good cholesterol, or HDL. All these factors can result from being overweight, inactivity, and obesity. Matter of fact, your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke are compounded by the number of metabolic risk factors that you have. And again, it’s not just the symptom that puts one at risk, but rather it’s the collective impact of symptoms that does.
Metabolic Syndrome is also closely related to a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when we eat, our digestive system normally breaks down the food we eat and turns it into sugar. And insulin helps sugar enter your cells so that it can be turned into fuel or energy.
Where problems occur for my friend, Michael, and myself is when we don’t have the energy that we need to get off the sofa. Another lesser known attribute of metabolic syndrome is a condition called mitochondria dysfunction. And as we all remember from 7th grade biology class, the mitochondria are what we refer to as, “the powerhouse of the cell.” Mitochondria produce a cell’s supply of ATP, which is the high-energy molecule needed for everything we do. When we don’t have enough mitochondria, then we don’t generate ATP, which means we lack the energy and motivation to do much of anything.
How to Increase ATP?
So, what’s the solution? How can we move out of the sedentary lifestyle, and into something different? How do we go from zero to hero? The answer is OptiNOs®, the revolutionary game changer in the science of muscle building technology. Think about it this way: compare the cell phone you had ten years ago to the one you have today. You can’t even compare them! It’s the type of comparison you have between your life before OptiNOs® and your life with OptiNOs®.
OptiNOs® is scientifically formulated on a genetic level with a patented technology and backed by clinical studies to build muscle. Specifically, OptiNOs® increases nitric oxide which means that there are more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to muscle tissue. OptiNOs® boosts ATP production, it flushes lactic acid which prevents soreness, and you’re able to stay motivated to get off the sofa, power through longer workout sessions, work out more frequently, all without being sore!
OptiNOs® activates mTOR which regulates muscle tissue construction and rejuvenation, so that with OptiNOs®, over 70% of the protein you consume is directed toward muscle repair and development and not as fuel, compared to 10-25% without it. And with more protein making it to the muscles, your body needs a new energy source, so it turns to fats and carbs for energy instead, meaning you’ll get bigger and leaner quicker and in shape faster. And clinical studies prove it.
So, are you ready to get up and get going? Make the move from the sedentary to sensational? Are you ready to move out of Metabolic Syndrome and into a brand new you? Are you willing to take the next step in taking your fitness to the next level? There’s only one way to unlock your full potential so that you can become your best self. And that way is OptiNOs®.